A fire in an apartment building on the outskirts of the Taiwanese capital Taipei killed 13 people.

Both celestial bodies have nothing to do with each other, experts emphasized. „What an exciting day,“ said NASA researcher Paul Chodas. „Today it’s like being on the shooting range with two celestial bodies.“ The flyby is a great opportunity for science, said Dante Lauretta, also from NASA. „A celestial body has never flown so close to the earth since science can remember. Of course, today all eyes are on the asteroid – including our radar telescopes.“ The first image of the asteroid comes from the Australian amateur astronomer Dave Herald. (Photo : dpa) At 9 p.m. the asteroid will pass the constellation of Leo and reach the Big Dipper at around 10.30 p.m. In the early morning he is near the North Star. Since the asteroid is moving away from Earth very quickly, its speed appears a little slower later, according to the Esa.

Because of his movement, he is very difficult to find with binoculars in any case. “You won’t see that much anyway, at most a bright dot.” According to the latest Esa calculations, the asteroid has a diameter of 65 meters and a mass of around 400,000 tons. „The latter is not known exactly because the density is not known,“ explained Drolshagen. The first image of the asteroid approaching was shot by an expert in Australia on Wednesday, said Drolshagen. The asteroid is approaching Earth from the south and can initially only be seen in the southern hemisphere. Spanish astronomers from an observatory near Granada discovered the asteroid a year ago, on February 22, 2012, as part of the Esa-Space Situational Awareness program. Since it is relatively small, according to Esa it was not seen until late, when it had already flown past Earth. „If this object were made of iron, for example, and collided with our planet, it could cause a crater that coincides with the The 1.5 kilometer meteor crater near Flagstaff, Arizona would be comparable „, explains Esa responsible for near-earth objects, Detlef Koschny. Source: ntv.de, che / dpa“ Parts of the meteorite hit a lake. (Photo: dpa) A spectacle is taking place over the southern Urals that is spectacular and yet not unusual for researchers: A meteorite rushes towards the earth at 30 kilometers per second, explodes and triggers a meteor shower. This shower goes down on an inhabited area, almost 1,000 people suffer injuries.

There has never been anything like it before, says an Esa expert. Heiner Klinkrad shows a meteorite that fell to earth in Russia in 1947. (Photo: dapd) „Meteorite crashes on Russia“, „Earth under fire“ – the headlines of many Online media are overwhelmed with references to how sensational the event is in the remote region in the southern Ural Mountains. Nevertheless, the spectacular meteor shower is nothing unusual in itself.graduate school biology essay writing service On the contrary: „It happens significantly more often than once a year,“ said Heiner Klinkrad from the „Space Debris“ department of the European Space Agency Esa in Darmstadt. However, most of these rocks hit in the sea or in uninhabited areas. According to his colleague Detlef Koschny, there has not yet been an impact over an inhabited area with so many injuries. „This is the first time that this has happened – at least as far as we have documented it,“ said Esa expert Koschny. Objects hit the earth every few months. „But mostly it happens over the ocean, over the deserts or in Siberia.“ That’s why nothing serious has happened so far. Chelyabinsk is on the border with Kazakhstan. The celestial body, which tore the inhabitants of the Chelyabinsk region about 1500 kilometers east of Moscow from their winter calm, triggered a massive pressure wave around 9.23 a.m. local time (4.23 a.m. CET).

According to the latest figures, almost 1,000 people were injured, including around 200 children. According to a report by the Ria Novosti news agency, Governor Mikhail Yurevich announced that around 950 people were injured. Two-thirds of the cases are minor injuries from flying glass fragments or other materials. In the city of Chelyabinsk alone, more than 750 people sought medical treatment. The city of Chelyabinsk, with a population of more than one million, and the surrounding region of the same name were shaken by a flash of lightning and a subsequent shock wave.

The shock wave shattered windows in the region and at least one factory building was badly damaged. Hundreds of people suffered bruises and cuts as a result, and a zinc factory in Chelyabinsk was badly damaged. (Photo: REUTERS) Eyewitnesses reported flashes of light, explosions and clouds of smoke in the sky. Many thought an airplane had exploded. „That was a big ball of fire that fell down.

The whole thing lasted a few seconds, „said a resident of the region to the Itar-Tass agency. There was a flash of lightning,“ I saw a plume of smoke in the sky and felt the pressure wave that hit the window panes, „Reuters news agency quoted another eyewitness as saying. Car alarms went off, cell phones stopped working. „I was on my way to work and it was still dark,“ said 36-year-old Viktor Prokofiev from Yekaterinburg. „But suddenly it was bright as day and I felt like I was leaving Headlights blinded. „The white cloud of smoke that the meteorite left in the sky could be seen as far as Yekaterinburg, 200 kilometers away. According to the Russian space agency Roscosmos, the meteorite raced towards earth at a speed of 30 kilometers per second The celestial body triggered a sonic boom, followed by a „meteor shower in the form of fireballs,“ as the Ministry of Disaster Control put it.

The meteorite was „quite a large object weighing several dozen tons,“ said Russian astronomer Sergei Smirnov to the TV station Rossia 24. Since many motorists in Russia have a video camera permanently installed on the windshield of their cars There were soon numerous films on the Internet documenting the spectacle and its consequences. Part of the meteorite fell near the frozen Lake Chebarkul around 80 kilometers west of Chelyabinsk, the regional administration said. Here at noon the authorities discovered a six-meter-wide crater and several fragments about one-centimeter in size. „Most of the fragments have evaporated, but some made it to the surface of the earth,“ said Valery Shuvalov of the Russian Science Academy. He suspects that it is a nickel-iron meteorite. Only such a body is strong enough to reach the lower layers of the atmosphere, and a regional government official said the meteorite may have come from the asteroid slated to pass Earth at a distance of 17,520 kilometers.

Experts from Esa and Nasa unanimously disagreed with this view. „This is a fascinating coincidence. But it reminds us of what else is out there and is to be explored by us,“ said Dante Lauretta in the information channel of the US space agency Nasa. “But the two objects definitely have nothing to do with each other because they come from very different corners of the solar system.” The asteroid 2012 DA 14, which was supposed to fly past Earth this Friday, is a great opportunity for science. „A celestial body has never flown so close to Earth since science can remember. Of course, all eyes are now on the asteroid – including our radar telescopes.“ There is no danger, however: „We can predict the trajectory very well. It will not hit Earth, nor the ISS space station, nor any important satellite.

So: No need to worry. „The Russian authorities mobilized 20,000 disaster relief workers in the region around the industrial city of Chelyabinsk. Schools in Chelyabinsk were closed on Friday because of the low temperatures and the broken windows. Area governor Yurevich broke off a Moscow business trip.“ Temperatures of minus 18 degrees in Chelyabinsk are now the most important thing that the shattered window panes are replaced, „said the head of administration. Source: ntv.de, hvo / dpa / AFP / rts“ „News and information at a glance. Collection of articles by n- tv.de on the topic of Taipei AMD announced the market launch of its first dual-core processors for PCs at the Computex computer trade fair in Taipei (Taiwan). The first PCs with the powerful chips will be made by Hewlett-Packard and Acer, among others second largest chip maker with. Taiwan’s President Chen Shui-bian has the chinesis call for official talks with Taipei.

This is the only way to have a dialogue with the goal of normal relationships, said Chen. Taiwan is suspending dialogue with Beijing in the dispute over the Chinese anti-secession law. A mass demonstration against the law is planned in Taipei on Saturday. China warned of a deterioration in relations. For the first time since 1949, non-stop flights between China and Taiwan are again operating.

Beijing and Taipei are thus fueling hopes for a gradual improvement in mutual relations. The tallest building in the world has been inaugurated in the Taiwanese capital Taipei. The 508 meter high financial center is called „Taipei 101“ based on the number of floors it has. At 508 meters, „Taipei 101“ in Taiwan is the tallest building in the world. For the second time, there was an accident: dozen iron plates fell over 400 meters and injured four people.

The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur are 452 meters high. Ridiculous! Since Friday, the „Taipei 101“ skyscraper in Taiwan has been the tallest office building in the world at an impressive 508 meters. A fire in an apartment building on the outskirts of the Taiwanese capital Taipei killed 13 people.

The head of the health department in Taipei has resigned after the dangerous lung disease SARS spread in Taiwan. China reported the lowest number of new infections in five weeks on Monday. For the first time in more than 50 years, a passenger plane flew regularly from Taiwan to China on Sunday. „Many victims‘ skin is burned up to 40 percent. (Photo: AP) Around 1000 people celebrate a huge party in a Taiwanese amusement park. As When colored powder is sprayed over the dancing crowd, there is suddenly a loud bang and a fireball races through the party guests.

Hundreds of people were injured, many seriously, and more than 500 people were injured in an explosion apparently caused by colored powder in an amusement park near Taiwan’s capital Taipei. Among them are almost 200 seriously injured, the authorities said. The accident happened on Saturday evening when powder paint sprayed over a crowd exploded. According to media reports, many of the mainly young victims suffered extensive burns. Many victims suffered extensive burns. (Photo: REUTERS) Pictures on the website of the newspaper „Apple Daily“ showed a colored powder being sprayed over a dancing crowd when it suddenly appeared transformed into a ball of fire that races through the crowd. Horrified party guests run for their lives on the recordings, while spectators desperately pour their water bottles over the burned wounds of the victims.

A fire department spokesman said the powder apparently caused the explosion and fire. „That could have happened due to the heat and the light on the stage,“ said the spokesman. „At the beginning I thought it was part of the special effects of the show,“ said an eyewitness on the CTI TV station about the accident. „But then I realized that something was wrong. People started screaming and running away.“ An AFP reporter saw bloody footprints near the stage on Sunday, apparently from refugees. Rescue workers had difficulty getting through to the scene of the accident. (Photo: AP) A spokesman for the Taipei Health Department said on Sunday that there were 509 injured. 188 of them were seriously injured. Many also suffered burns to their respiratory tract.

According to media reports, some were burned up to 40 percent of the skin. „The next 24 hours are crucial for many seriously injured people,“ said the spokesman for the health department. Almost all of the victims were teenagers or young adults, and the police arrested the party organizer and four employees. A police spokesman said that they were being investigated for „breaches of public security and disregard of duties“. The amusement park has been closed until further notice.

In total, around a thousand people came to the party in the Formosa Fun Coast water park on the outskirts of Taipei. The fire was quickly extinguished, but ambulances struggled to get to the scene of the accident. Initially, the authorities had spoken of a good 200 injured during the night. They are only the victims who were brought to the hospitals by ambulance, it said on Sunday.

In the meantime, all the injured who drove to the clinic or were brought by others have been counted. Source: ntv.de, lou / hla / AFP „“ „Shock moment in Taiwan’s capital Taipei: Read more about the bomb explosion in Taiwan , if you click on the link. Source: ntv.de „Dramatic scenes in Taiwan: the plane crashes into a bridge with a wing and then falls into a river. The machine quickly goes under in the water. Rescuers use rubber dinghies to pull survivors out of the wreck – and at least 23 dead. A plane crashing with 58 people on board rammed a bridge in the capital Taipei and fell into a river. At least 23 people were killed and 16 injured, according to the Taiwanese news agency CNA. Shortly after taking off from Songshan Airport in the city center of the metropolis with a wing, the plane crashed into a traffic bridge and then fell into the Keelung River.

At first there was no information about the cause of the accident. A driver filmed the dramatic scenes. In the blurred images, the twin-engine machine suddenly appears behind high-rise buildings in the metropolis. The wings of the aircraft are briefly vertical in the air – then the lower wing of the machine hits the bridge’s lane.

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